Hello (was Re: CoreData error)

John Shockey john at johncshockey.com
Wed Jun 18 12:05:01 EDT 2014


Big Nerd Ranch seems like a decent place for you. Lots of smart people
there. They're lucky to have you. You're both smart yourself, and good
with people. Are you specializing in anything in particular?

Swift: Yes. Very interesting. Mostly I like it, though I still have
more to do to understand it. I think they made a few significant
mistakes that compromise their goal of safety, though. But even then I
expect I will be using it.

I'm doing well also. Contracting on a Mac project these days, for a
change. (It's indirectly music related, too. Dealing with RF, to help
the user set up wireless mics.)

Be well.


I'm doing well. Still with Big Nerd Ranch in Atlanta. Fun times
especially with the swift announcement. How are you doing?
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